Anupama 13th October 2024 Video Episode 1437

Watch Anupama 13th October 2024 Today Full Episode 1437 Video Online By YO Desirulez in HD, Star Plus Anupama Latest Complete Episode has been Released, Free Download Hindi Serial Anupama 13th October 2024 is Brought to you by Indian Channel Hotstar.

Telecast Timing: 06:30 am
Video Owner: yodesirulez
Video Source: Vkspeed & Vkprime


The story is about a female who is a wife and mother also.Her aim is to serve her family so that they can live a happy and good life.For this she works day and night ignore her ambitions even her health for her husband and children.Instead of all of this no one can take care of her loyalty and ignore her in every affair of family. This hurts Anupama badly.She decided to work for herself and will fulfill her ambitions.But her husband,s attitude continuously hurts her.Because of ll of these she joined a restaurant as a cook and start her job.She starting dancing class also.when Anupama were t her job she heard the news of accident of her husband.She goes to her husband and start take care of her.Slowly her husband name Vanraj Shah starting good feelings for Anupama and confess love for anupama.She was happy for this but unfortunately she met a cancer disease in her ovary.But she never stop her job and work for family.When Vanraj and her 2nd wife faces financial problems she gave them idea to establish their own business. Anupama is a strong woman having all problems she never tired and works continuously for a better future.Her children does not care of her and busy in their own life.But she never lose hope.Many years later Anuj inquires Devika about Anuama because now she is settle in America and runs a Resturant.A fire broke suddenly in the jitchen of Resturant Anupama was there.Yashdeep saves Anupama from fire.according to law resturant will be closed for few days and then they will open with proper safety and security measures.Keep in contact with us to see all the new episodes of this show and watch them for free on our website Yodesirulez.

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Apne Tv

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